10:30am Sunday
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
❖ Archbishop Zinkula has invited us to engage with the 2025 Jubilee as “Pilgrims of Hope” by uplifting our brothers and sisters in Christ who face poverty, displacement, or despair. @CatholicCharitiesDubuque is transforming lives with a professional staff that is guided by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Together, we can clear pathways of possibility where once there were only insurmountable obstacles. Make your gift today at http://www.catholiccharitiesdubuque.org/donate
❖ Last year, the generous supporters of @CatholicCharitiesDubuque have directly impacted the lives of over 19,694 people in Northeast Iowa through mental health counseling, affordable housing, jail & prison reentry services, immigration legal services, and poverty reduction services. Every gift helps to provide hope to those with nowhere else to turn throughout the Archdiocese. Join this community of giving at http://www.catholiccharitiesdubuque.org/donate
❖ Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, reminds us of this profound calling: “There is a need for paths of peace to heal open wounds. There is also a need for peacemakers, men and women prepared to work boldly and creatively to initiate the processes of healing and renewed encounter” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 225). Together, we can answer this call. By walking alongside those in need, hand in hand, we bear witness to the boundless potential of hope and affirm the inherent dignity of every person. Join the efforts of @CatholicCharitiesDubuque as a Pilgrim of Hope in Northeast Iowa. Learn more at https://catholiccharitiesdubuque.org/annualappeal
*Priest Visit to the Homebound*
If you or someone you know is sick or homebound and would like Fr. Andrew to visit and pray, please call the main office at 319-320-5003 or email Fr. Andrew at DBQ137@dbqarch.org.
If you are unable to attend weekly Mass, please prayerfully consider sending your weekly donation to Sacred Heart Church, PO Box 98, Oxford Junction, IA 52323. You may put it in your regular church envelope, put in another envelope and mail. Your donation will be noted and deposited. If you are using the automatic payment (ACH), thank you and please continue to do so.
Please use the below prayer if not able to attend Mass and receive the Most Precious Body and Blood of Christ.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
"My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
Christmas 2024
309 Church Street, Oxford Junction, IA 52323